Dr. Brill + Prof. Bockmühl GmbH
Institute for Applied Hygiene
Wiesenstraße 35
DE - 47533 Kleve

Phone:  040/557631-100

E-Mail: Info@bb-appliedhygiene.com
Web: http://www.bb-appliedhygiene.com

Managing Partner:
Dr. rer. nat. Florian H. H. Brill

The company’s legal venue and registered office 
are in Kleve
HRB 17951
VAT no. DE 351947502

Responsible for content pursuant to section 55 par. 2 Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RStV):
Dr. Florian H. H. Brill (address as above) 

Disclaimer: Despite performing thorough checks of the content, we accept no liability for the content of external websites linked from this website. The responsibility for the content of these websites lies solely with their operators.